Friday, 26 February 2010


I love knitting socks. Absolutely LOVE it. The almost-instant gratification of a small project that knits up in such a short space of time that someone will actually wear is enough to make me go all fuzzy inside. I always knit on dpns and tend to stick to top-down sock knitting because it just makes more sense to me (although I have knitted toe-up socks with success in the past). Yesterday, however, I decided I'd see what all the fuss was about knitting socks using the magic loop method on circular needles. I ended up frogging the 3 rows I managed because I had dropped a stitch somewhere and, although I immediately cast on to my double points. I will head back to the circulars over the weekend, possibly for the second sock, although right now I can definitely say I prefer knitting socks over 4 dpns.

1 comment:

  1. I can't stand magic loop! Ugh. I've not had good luck with it no matter what I try. I love my DPNs, too. I *have* tried socks on 2 circulars and that's not bad once I got the hang of it.
